OBEX CORTEX 0814FR Board Jointing TapeCORTEX FR by OBEX
OBEX CORTEX 0814FR Board Jointing Tape
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SIGA Fentrim® 20 (Pre-folded Internal Corner Tape) - All sizesFENTRIM® 20 by SIGA
SIGA Fentrim® 20 (Pre-folded Internal Corner Tape) - All sizes
- Regular price
- From £54.67
- Unit Price
- £2.18 per LM (linear metre)
- Sale price
- From £54.67
- Unit Price
- £2.18 per LM (linear metre)
- Regular price
100mm Aluminium Foil Butyl Tape with Liner (1.5mm) - 10mQUALITAPE by ULTRATAPE
100mm Aluminium Foil Butyl Tape with Liner (1.5mm) - 10m
- Regular price
- £34.58
- Unit Price
- £3.45 per LM (linear metre)
- Sale price
- £34.58
- Unit Price
- £3.45 per LM (linear metre)
- Regular price
DuPont™ Tyvek® Metallised Tape - 25m x 75mmTYVEK® by DuPont - Performance Building Solutions
DuPont™ Tyvek® Metallised Tape - 25m x 75mm
- Regular price
- £37.78
- Unit Price
- £1.51 per LM (linear metre)
- Sale price
- £37.78
- Unit Price
- £1.51 per LM (linear metre)
- Regular price
SRS Impactafoam Underlay - 1.2m x 25m x 5mmIMPACTAFOAM by Sound Reduction Systems
SRS Impactafoam Underlay - 1.2m x 25m x 5mm
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ISO-Chemie Iso-Bloco One Joint Sealing Expansion Tape (2-12mm expansion)ISO-BLOCO ONE by ISO-Chemie
ISO-Chemie Iso-Bloco One Joint Sealing Expansion Tape (2-12mm expansion)
- Regular price
- From £140.30
- Sale price
- From £140.30
- Regular price
ISO-Chemie Iso-Bloco 600 Expanding Foam Joint Tape (24-42mm expansion)ISO-BLOCO 600 by ISO-Chemie
ISO-Chemie Iso-Bloco 600 Expanding Foam Joint Tape (24-42mm expansion)
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ISO-Chemie Iso-Bloco 600 Expanding Foam Joint Tape (6-15mm expansion)ISO-BLOCO 600 by ISO-Chemie
ISO-Chemie Iso-Bloco 600 Expanding Foam Joint Tape (6-15mm expansion)
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ISO-Chemie Iso-Bloco 600 Expanding Foam Joint Tape (4-9mm expansion)ISO-BLOCO 600 by ISO-Chemie
ISO-Chemie Iso-Bloco 600 Expanding Foam Joint Tape (4-9mm expansion)
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ISO-Chemie Iso-Bloco 600 Expanding Foam Joint Tape (1-4mm expansion)ISO-BLOCO 600 by ISO-Chemie
ISO-Chemie Iso-Bloco 600 Expanding Foam Joint Tape (1-4mm expansion)
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ISO-Chemie Iso-Bloco 600 Expanding Foam Joint Tape (1-2mm expansion)ISO-BLOCO 600 by ISO-Chemie
ISO-Chemie Iso-Bloco 600 Expanding Foam Joint Tape (1-2mm expansion)
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SIGA Sicrall® 170 VCL and Jointing Airtight TapeSICRALL® by SIGA
SIGA Sicrall® 170 VCL and Jointing Airtight Tape
- Regular price
- £97.42
- Unit Price
- £2.43 per LM (linear metre)
- Sale price
- £97.42
- Unit Price
- £2.43 per LM (linear metre)
- Regular price
Soudal Soudabond BG1 Foam Sealing Tape 25/11-25mm x 2.6mSOUDABOND by SOUDAL
Soudal Soudabond BG1 Foam Sealing Tape 25/11-25mm x 2.6m
- Regular price
- £11.04
- Unit Price
- £4.25 per LM (linear metre)
- Sale price
- £11.04
- Unit Price
- £4.25 per LM (linear metre)
- Regular price
SRS Impactafoam Tape - 15m x 50mm x 5mm - Box of 6by Sound Reduction Systems
SRS Impactafoam Tape - 15m x 50mm x 5mm - Box of 6
- Regular price
- £121.58
- Unit Price
- £1.35 per LM (linear metre)
- Sale price
- £121.58
- Unit Price
- £1.35 per LM (linear metre)
- Regular price
ILLBRUCK ME508 Duo Membrane EW/F - 70mm x 75mDUO by Illbruck
ILLBRUCK ME508 Duo Membrane EW/F - 70mm x 75m
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