25mm Thermafleece CosyWool Sheep Wool (1 x 370mm roll)
Product Code:
4.44 m²
Thermal Conductivity:
0.039 W/mK
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Thermafleece CosyWool Roll is a versatile insulation rich in British sheep’s wool and is the ideal choice if you are looking for all-round performance and value for money. Research shows that using 75% wool in combination with recycled fibres outperforms alternative products with a higher percentage of wool. Our wool rich blend ensures you get the full benefit of sheep’s wool with enhanced performance, durability and sustainability. 

Key points :

Made in Britain from British Sheep's wool and 25% recycled polyester.

Not irritating to the skin, eyes or respiratory tract.

Can be recycled.

Zero Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP) and Global Warming Potential (GWP).

Scotland's only physical stockists of Thermafleece Cosywool sheeps wool insulation.

Specification :

Thickness: 25mm
Width: 1 x 370mm
Length: 12 m
Pack Coverage: 4.44 m²
Density: 18 kgm³
Thermal Conductivity:  0.039 W/mK
R-Value: 0.64 m²K/W
Fire Rating: Euroclass E


Roofs – Loft & warm roof
Walls – Timber frame & solid (internal)
Floors – All levels above DPC
Acoustic – Walls, floors & roofs


ISO9001 - Quality Management System.
ISO14001 - Environmental Management.

Datasheets & Documents.
If you require a datasheet for this product please get in touch.
If you require a Safety datasheet (SDS) for this product please get in touch.
If you require a BBA Certificate for this product please get in touch.