OBEX CORTEX 0520FR Class B Breather Membrane
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OBEX CORTEX 0520FR Class B Breather Membrane features water-resistant yet breathable technology, which facilitates the escape of moisture and the prevention of condensation within the external wall construction.  It can be applied to many surfaces including sheathing board, concrete and insulation.  

This breather membrane has a watertightness rating of W1 and is therefore especially suited to demanding applications where the highest levels of water resistance are required.

The membrane is installed using the OBEX CORTEX 0825 Installation Kit which includes 2 rolls of 0824FR Double-Sided Tape and 6 rolls of single sided 0823FR UV Façade Tape.

Key points :

3rd Party Certified

12 Months Exposure

Class A

EI60 Fire Test Component


W2 - EN 13859-2

Specification :

Length: 50m
Width: 1.5m
Thickness: 0.3mm
Fire Rating: A2-s1, d0

  • Class B external breather membrane for use in facades and other construction applications.
Datasheets & Documents.
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