Product Details
Celotex GA4000 PIR is a high-performance rigid PIR insulation board manufactured using a blowing agent that has zero Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP) and low Global Warming Potential (GWP). Specifically designed to address thermal bridging and reduce localised heat losses.
Celotex GA4000 PIR is a high-performance rigid PIR insulation board manufactured using a blowing agent that has zero Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP) and low Global Warming Potential (GWP). Specifically designed to address thermal bridging and reduce localised heat losses.
Celotex GA4000 PIR is a high-performance rigid PIR insulation board manufactured using a blowing agent that has zero Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP) and low Global Warming Potential (GWP). Specifically designed to address thermal bridging and reduce localised heat losses.
Datasheets, Guides & Documents
Techincal Datasheets (TDS)
BBA Certificates

Celotex TB4000 GA4000 and XR4000 PIR INSULATION BOARDS FOR FLOOR INSULATION BBA Certificate (10 January 2024)

Celotex TB4000 GA4000 and XR4000 PIR INSULATION BOARDS FOR DRY LINING BBA Certificate (10 January 2025)

Celotex TB4000 GA4000 and XR4000 PIR INSULATION BOARDS FOR DRY LINING BBA Certificate (10 January 2025)
60mm Celotex GA4000 PIR Board
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Product Code: SKU: CELO/GA-60
60mm Celotex GA4000 PIR Board
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Product Code: SKU: CELO/GA-60